Karim & Celine Summergrove Wedding

On Saturday the 18th January 2020, I had the pleasure of marrying Karim and Celine at the beautiful Summergrove Wedding Estate. Karim and Celine could not imagine their life without each other. Life together is simply more fun and enjoyable, as they have someone who is their best friend and partner in crime. On a daily basis they share banter, countless laughs and feel internally loved for their raw self. On this day we celebrated the great love they shared.
How did this love story start?
Well Celine one day stumbled across her future husband in a beautiful glossy brochure. No it was not (name a celebrity). Karim’s photo was in the Moreton Hire Furniture catalogue where they both worked as designers at the time. Between a new suede ottoman and bar table, this handsome man stood out to Celine and she needed to know more. So, when the National Design Conference came up a year later, she did what any “normal” girl does and did some research around the office to establish if he was single. Much to Celine happiness Karim was.
At the National Design Conference, after Karim nearly missing his flight, they bonded over a mutual hatred of the cheese curry served for lunch, masquerading as a chicken curry. Karim thought wow this girl can talk but was immediately drawn to her discussion on how you shouldn’t pretend to be something you aren’t, and should feel comfortable in your own skin. After team dinner at Jamie’s Italian, followed by a few too many drinks at The Argyle, Celine broke Karim away from the group by complaining the upstairs bar was too busy. Although it was Celine who wanted to spill the beans how fascinated she was with Karim; once they were alone Karim professed how amazing and beautiful he thought Celine was. You could say Celine was swept offer her feet and the rest is history or so they say.
Karim fell in love with Celine’s ability to top his Breakfast Buffet attacking skills. Her love of food means they always eat at the best places and he always has a partner in crime when he is going deep into bad eating territory. They are the A team when it comes to
- Late night ice cream runs
- perving on the bakery section and Coles and
- Critiquing Desserts including whinging together when they are served deconstructed versions of classics. Tiramisu in a cup really?
On a on going basis Celine is making Karim laugh. Whether be her ability to listen intently to Karim nodding after each point and then saying ‘what did you say?’ at the end.
Or how Celine goes through every single item on a menu, then complies a shortlist before finally choosing something to eat. Only to change it last minute when she hears what Karim orders. Spending months and months planning a holiday, looking at every single flight, every hotel option and potential activity. Then booking everything and making custom itineraries. Then printing out all documents and details and putting them in nice clear plastic folder for Karim. It’s the little things that are the big things to these two.
Celine fell in love Karim kindness, sweet, generous, patient and funny self. That he is also very smart, a self-taught pro on AutoCAD, not to mention handsome – but is still shy and humble. Karim does anything and everything for those close to him. He is genuine and a kid at heart creating music stories about a fake character he created called “Pistachio”. Dancing around the living room and creating secret noises and actions, that turned into their own special 5 step version of a kiss/handshake.
Life is different for Celine with Karim. She has someone who is her best friend, a partner in crime, who will support me and love her unconditionally through all the highs and lows no matter what. Someone who’s always got her back, who will lift her up when she is sad, who will explore the world with her and who she can continue to learn and grow old with.
Sending lots of love your marriage celebrant Jessica x
Captured by Ivy Road Photography
Flowers: Wilderness Flowers
Venue: Summergrove Wedding Estate