Matthew and Sophie Giles – Brisbane Wedding

On Friday 25th September I had the honour to marry Matthew and Sophie Giles in a private wedding location in Brisbane. These two love birds pulled off the ultimate wedding after having to change their wedding plans last minute due to border closures. I have planned weddings for over 10 years and Soph I can honestly say you would be an amazing wedding planner. Every little detail was phenomenal and I had an absolute blast being a part of your gorgeous day.
Your vows took my breathe away.. absolutely many laughs and joyful memories.
The man himself.. Mr Matthew Giles
Sophie Jane Armstrong, Spoffie, buddy. Today I finally get to confirm my commitment to you, my commitment to us, my commitment to the rest of our lives together.
From what started as a bit of match making by Bronte Colseno at Maddy Coburn’s 21st, where all I did was chew your ear off so much so that you had to pretend your cup wasn’t empty for more than half an hour. To a romantic sushi date, where I was so kind as to pay for all the food I ate, and leave you only to cover what you’d eaten. To a trip to Mooloolaba with the Armstrong’s and the Wright’s less than a month after we started seeing each other, where you had to threaten sending me home one night when we were drunk if I didn’t confirm that we were “officially” dating. To my refusal to ever let you win an argument, because, well, I’m always right. To you moving in with me at Gresham Street, despite my many suggestions that you should move out with your friends first. To purchasing Teddy with your tax return, despite me wanting you to save up for him first and being convinced that we weren’t ready for the responsibility. To finally joining bank accounts, despite having lived together for almost 3 years, a big step for such a generous and care-free person like me. To your many requests that I hurry up and ask you to marry me, because who wouldn’t want to try and organise a wedding during COVID.
But despite my terrible attempts to court you, and my failure to do anything quickly, you’ve stuck by me through thick and thin. Countless water polo games, graduation, admission, promotions, birthdays, holidays, hospital visits, weddings, funerals. You’ve been by my side at everything for the past 7 and a half years and I couldn’t imagine having even done even half of those things without you there to share in the special moments and support me through the hard times.
You’re the most determined and competitive person I’ve ever met. I love your drive and your constant pursuit of perfection, be it at work or in your personal life. The fact that you’re willing to spend countless hours folding napkins, tying bows and cutting ribbon to the exact millimeter in order to create the beautiful table settings on display behind everyone, is something I could never imagine myself doing. You refuse to settle for second best and will never let anything stop you from doing something you put your mind to.
Your loving and compassionate nature is almost indescribable. You care more about everyone than you do about yourself. You’re always willing to be there for those you love and will protect your friends and family more fiercely than anyone I know. Be it dropping everything to spend countless nights up at hospital when your cousin was in intensive care, to lying on the floor with a teaspoon feeding Teddy on the first night we got him, because you were so paranoid he hadn’t eaten enough, or simply reminding all of your friends and family at every possible opportunity that you love them.
Conveniently, you’re also the most stunning girl I’ve ever laid eyes on, and thanks to my constructive feedback, your makeup and hair look perfect today.
So despite my supposed lack of emotion, my alleged failure to express my feelings, and my apparent tardiness throughout our relationship, I can’t wait for us to be husband and wife, because I love you more than I could possibly describe. We’ve already created a beautiful home together, have successfully raised a gorgeous puppy together, and I can’t wait to achieve more of these milestones together.
It is on this basis that I want to make a few promises to you:
- I promise to be there whenever you’ve had a bad day, to listen to you, to comfort you, to occasionally provide you with any feedback you need, and to ask questions, lots of questions
- I promise to be there through all of the good times and the bad times, to celebrate all of your successes with you and to mourn all of your losses with you
- I promise to care for you, to provide for you, to assist you, and to always keep a keen eye on the bank balance
- I promise to support you, to encourage you, and to challenge you to reach all of your goals, no matter how hard they might seem
- I promise to kiss you before bed each night, even when you’ve been a smarty pants and might not deserve it
- Finally, I promise to always love you, no matter the circumstances, and to always be there whenever you need me
The princess bride Sophie Giles
Matthew Thomas Giles, thank you for the past 7 years. Never did I ever think I would be saying ‘thank you’ for taking 7 long years to finally propose to me, but here I am, standing in front of you, saying it. Over the past few years we have built a wonderful life together. A life that have been filled with love, laughter, and of course happiness. It is this amazing life and love between us that I endeavour to continue building – ensuring that our love for one another is forever growing and truly endless.
You are the smartest, most opinionated, caring, ‘always right’, goofy, extremely hairy, and quite large Ranga I know. And above all of these traits, you are dedicated. You are dedicated to me, dedicated to our relationship, Teddy, our house, and you are extremely dedicated to work. You an exceptional lawyer, and news to me, also an exceptional part-time forensic accountant and wedding planner. Sadly, your only fault is that you suffer from verbal diarrhoea. Something that we have been unable to cure to date.
You have shown me that true love is accepting each other’s positives as well as our negatives, the achievements as well as the disappointments. I do believe I would not be the person I am today without your influence. You continuously demonstrate to me what truly matters in life and that our little family and house is what we work hard for.
Through the highest of highs you have stood beside me celebrating our victories. And in the lowest of lows, you have continued to stand beside me – standing in the exact same spot. You have told me it will be okay and that ‘we will get through this together no matter what’. I cherish your compassion and complete loyalty you have always shown me. I know you will never turn your back on me, and I promise to never turn mine on you.
Like me, you are extremely close to your family. I love that your family has become mine, and my family has become yours. I promise to always protect and care for your family as you would mine as I adore them.
The life we have ahead of us will be full of the unfamiliar and uncertain times. But I promise to always be with you, alongside you, ensuring we encounter our future together as one.
I promise to never let you lose sight of your individuality or me of mine, as our individuality is what drew us together in the first place.
Lastly, I promise to continue to educate you on how the operate house hold appliances. As after 7 years you still seem to struggle with the washing machine, dishwasher and vacuum to name a few.
I’m not exactly sure what I did so right to get someone so amazing in my life, but I am forever grateful and completely obsessed. You make me unbelievably proud, and I promise that I will make you as proud as I possibly can as your Spofie. I love you with all my heart and I’m here for the long haul buddy.
And Trev, no need for any returns receipt anymore.
My Wishes For Matthew and Sophie Giles
“Your wedding day will come and go, but may your love forever grow. May today be the beginning of a long, happy life together.”
Thank you for choosing me to be apart of your special day. Thank you for letting me share in with your laughs and funny banter. Thank you for being you and making the day extra special to me too.
Love your marriage celebrant Jessica Otto
An amazing team of suppliers;
- Marquee, flooring, fairy lights, tablecloths & napkins – Northside Party Hire
- Hamptons furniture – Styled Group
- Clear plinths, charger plates and cutlery – Dianna-Lynn Decor
- Clear Tiffany ghost chairs – Don’t Stop the Party Hire
- Signage, menus & sanitiser stickers – Fielding Milligan
- Florals – Akirah Collective
- Catering – NOTA
- Cake – Hansel & Gretel Cakes
- Donuts – Krispy Kreme
- Makeup – Kate Devlin
- Hair – Isabella Jane Hair and Make Up.
- Bride’s dress – Sphere Bridal Gallery (supplier) & Georgia Young Couture (designer)
- Bridesmaid’s dresses – Louise Bateman
- Suits – Mitchell Ogilvie Menswear
- DJ – Jackson Smith (Jigga)
- Guitarist – Simon Doe
- Photographer – Sundown Film and Photography
- Rings – Robert White Jewellers