Matthew and Ashley Carter – Osteria Tweed Coast Weddings

On the 7th January 2021, I had the pleasure of marrying Matthew and Ashley Carter. These two soul mates chose to have an intimate wedding with their closest friend and family at Osteria part of the Tweed Coast Weddings region.
I was lucky enough to get to know both of them over several months and get to learn about their love story.
You guys rock and hands down Ash your vows made me laugh like no tomorrow. Marriage is all about loving each other, every stage of your life; even when your old and wrinkly.
From the beautiful bride to her groom.
Matt, you and I both know how indecisive I can be at the best of times, choosing where we should eat, choosing what to watch on Netflix, or even choosing what muscle group day it is at the gym. But if there was any decision that I know was the right one, was choosing to spend the rest of my life with you. You are the first person I want to see in the morning, and the last thing I wish to see at night. I look forward to growing old with you, and when I say old I mean old and decrepit, where we drive especially slow in traffic, where we will eat dinner at 4:30pm and consistently get the early bird special, can only hear each other with our hearing aids in, and can meet and fall in love again when we undergo cataract surgery. Matt, you are my best friend, my person, my life partner, I can’t wait to do this thing called life with you.
I promise to be your constant love and support, your devoted life partner.
I promise to love you as much as I love ice-cream.
I promise to make you laugh, even when you’re feeling down.
I promise to be loyal and faithful, put you before all else.
I promise to make you a coffee every morning when you wake up.
Unity Painting Ceremony

Every marriage starts out as a blank canvas and every day is a splash of colour.
This blank canvas represents the day of Matt and Ashley’s wedding, and a new beginning.
The paint colours signify the experiences that lie ahead; colours of joy and happiness, adventures and accomplishments.
The colours represent Matt and Ashley’s milestones, their celebrations, passions and dreams.
They are the moments that become the days that make-up the years.
There will be places on the canvas when the colours blend and mix, flowing together, creating a new colour of experiences shared.
There will be places when the colours stay separate and stand out alone and independent… yet, still a compliment to the bold colour by it’s side.
And there may be places of contrast.
While another spot remains blank and bare.
However, when you step back and look at the canvas in its entirety, you will see that it clearly is “An Original Masterpiece” unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.
Each colour, contrast, shadow, blend as unique and beautiful as Matt and Ashley.
Love creating unique ceremonies that reflect my couples individuality and love story. Thank you for choosing me Matt and Ash. Will carrying these memories for life.
Love your marriage celebrant Jessica xx
Venue: @osteriaweddings
Photography: @wandererandthewild
Dress: Luv Bridal
Suits: Peter Jackson
Make Up: Sarah Kelly