Will You Be Mine?
Men don’t really spend a ton of time daydreaming of the moment they’ll ask a girlfriend to become their wife. Most women do, though as you know that’s our typical nature to over think everything.
One thing to remember is the story of how you propose will be repeated for years to come. But hey, no pressure. You can always ask the experts for guidance.
Forever Yours experts have written an article to put your mind at ease & prepare the everyday man for a proposal that’ll leave her speechless—almost, anyway. She’s got to get at least two words out, ‘I DO’ & hopefully a kiss at least you would think after all that planning & hesitation it is only fair.
Where to Begin
Before you ask for her hand, you should ask some other people for blessings. It may seem outdated, but asking parents’ permission is respectful and honours tradition. It’s important to her as well: 81 percent of women surveyed in a joint poll by told us they prefer he ask for one or both of her parents’ consent.
Not sure they’ll oblige? Take the advice of Forever Yours, a proposal planning service: Substitute the word “blessing” for “permission.”
Plan of Action
Incorporating personal elements tops the experts’ list for an impressive proposal.
“Show that you pay attention to detail. Remember the first time you kissed; the first time you said I love you,” Jessica says. Make the moment “personalized to the point where she feels that no one else could have that proposal.”
Think about her and her values from the start. It’s perfectly acceptable, even a good idea, to talk about it. She’ll likely drop useful hints. Twenty-six percent of women surveyed talked about their dream proposal before it happened, and another 31 percent felt their guy knew what she wanted, even though she didn’t take part in the actual planning.
Before recruiting friends and family to get involved, realize that the more complex your plan is, the more potential there is for failure. Chances are she’d be more embarrassed than touched by a big routine, anyway.
“Stay away from the extravagant, and keep it romantic,” Jessica says. “Something that is simple and beautiful and romantic is going to win out over something that is this huge extravaganza with all the waiters coming over and singing.”
The Location
In our poll, women were all over the board with their ideal spot—a restaurant, a landmark, at home, on vacation. But it’s most important that you pick a place with meaning, a place that has a story behind it.
Is she a traditionalist? Take her back to the first place you met or went on a date, and then talk about what the future may hold. Start a dialogue that leads up to that one burning question—and make sure you ask it. Sixty-three percent of men and 67 percent of women think the specific query, “Will you marry me?” is essential.
Surprise is important, but tough to manage. More than half of the women we surveyed rated surprise as “important” or “very important,” yet 65 percent of them say they knew the question was coming. Sound contradictory? Welcome to married life, pal.
If you can’t completely floor her, keep little surprises in mind: You can still shock her with the exact timing or your romantic execution. Any man with any personality can ‘WOW’ their partner.
Common Blunders
Make sure you bring the ring—38 percent of women said proposing without a ring is the biggest mistake a guy can make—but be double-sure you bring the emotion and personal significance.
“It’s all about being thoughtful and personalized,” says Jessica, owner of Forever Yours. “This story is going to be told forever.”
Keep it to yourself beforehand. Almost 60 percent of guys said they’d worry about such a mistake, and with good reason.
“The surprise is so important, so limit who you tell,” says Jessica, “You never know if someone is going to slip or start acting weird around her.” We all are known for slipping up sometimes.
Need Help??
Forever Yours Owner, Jessica would love to assist in making sure your lovely fiance to be is ‘WOW’D’ by who you are not who you think you should be for this special occasion.
Check out a range of our Proposal Ideas Gold Coast, Brisbane & Afar Packages – https://www.foreveryoursweddings.com.au/proposal-planning/
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